February 2019: Interviewed for a BBC4 program on conspiracy theories, "Conspiracy Politics"; interview with me, focused on cognitive hacking, influence operations and extra-factual information, published in the Winter 2019 issue of the Fletcher Forum of World Affairs.
November 2018: Participated in "Science Denial: Lessons and Solutions," a symposium at the New York Academy of Sciences--our panel is archived on Livestream here; interviewed by Tavni Misra of The Atlantic for her piece, "On Weaponizing Migration."
June 2018: "Science Denialism, Public Policy and Global Health" panel at the New York Academy of Sciences, with Science Friday's Ira Flatow as moderator; archived via Livestream here, Facebook Live pre-panel interview here, and Scientific American's review of the event here.
May 2018: Interviews with Italian TV and print journalists, including the dailies Il Messaggero and Messaggero Veneto, in conjunction with my appearances at the 2018E'Storia Festival in Gorizia, Italy, one of which can be foundhere; Interview with Aroop Mukharji on his show/podcast, Snack Break, about my book ms, Fear and Present Danger; Apple podcast here.
March 2017: Interviews in the Italian newspapers, La Stampa (with Francesca Paci) and Quotidiano Nazionale (with Luca Bolognini), in conjunction with publication of the Italian edition of my book, Weapons of Mass Migration: Forced Displacement, Coercion and Foreign Policy.
December 2016: NEH press release announcing 2017 fellowship awards, including one for my book project on extra-factual information in international politics ("Whispers of War, Mongers of Fear: Extra-factual Sources of Threat Conception and Proliferation"). November 2016: Interview with IAFon human trafficking and smuggling and the politics of numbers in global crime and conflict. August 2016: “Unpacking the Facts Behind Europe’s ‘Odd Migration Policy Choices’,” invited contribution to a debate on the EU migration crisis in the APSA Migration and CitizenshipNewsletter.
May 2016: Interview as part of Harvard Kennedy School Belfer Center "Office Hours" series. December 2015: "Demographic Bombing: People as Weapons in Syria and Beyond,” Foreign Affairs; Interview with Alexander Marguier in the German weekly arts and politics magazine, Cicero.